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BIM for Construction Safety: A Case Study


作者:Alex Behringer, Salman Azhar 来源:JBIM_fall








项目经理(工程组):Robins & Morton


















BIM for Construction Safety: A Case Study

By Alex Behringer and Salman Azhar

A crucial factor in construction safety planning is to properly identify all possible hazards before they occur. A building information model (BIM) allows construction stakeholders to visuallyassess jobsite conditions and recognize hazards, and it providesthem sufficient time to develop adequate hazard mitigation plans.

The utilization of BIM technology can result in improved occupational safety by connecting the safety issues more closely to constructionplanning. This provides a more illustrative site layout,while providing methods for managing and visualizing up-to-dateplans and site status information. The use of BIM also encouragesother project partners, such as designers, sub-contractors and safety specialists, to become actively involved in both risk assessmentand planning.This article reports an in-progress research project where BIMtechnology is utilized to perform safety planning and managementfor an ongoing construction project located at the campus of the Auburn University, in Auburn, Alabama. The project is a Recreation& Wellness Center. BIM models and 4D simulations are used to communicate the following safety plans: 1) crane management;2) fall protection; and 3) emergency response plans. 4D phasingsimulations, 3D walk-throughs and 3D renderings are utilized to identify various hazards and to communicate safety managementplans to the workers.

Figure 1. A 3D rendering of the project

Project details

Owner: Auburn University Facilities Division

Project Manager (Construction Team): Robins & Morton

Architect: 360 Architecture

Cost: $50,000,000

Size: 240,000 sq. ft.

Delivery System: CM Agency

Start Date: October 2011

Projected Substantial Completion Date: May 2013

The architecture firm, 360 Architecture, based in Kansas City,Missouri, developed the base BIM model of this project for communicationand visualization purposes. The research team acquiredthis model and enhanced it by adding missing designdetails and temporary safety features.

The following sections describe the BIM-based safety plansgenerated from the base BIM model.

The purpose of a crane management plan is to: 1) identify theswing radius of the crane to ensure its safe distance from powerlines and nearby structures; and 2) identify what trade/crew willbe utilizing the crane at a particular time. On this project, two lattice-boom crawling cranes are being utilized to pick and place thestructural members. The crane on the North side of the project is a110-ton Link-Belt 218 HYLAB unit and the crane on the South sideis a 250-ton Manitowoc Model 999 unit. FIGURE 2 illustrates thesteel truss placement in the crane management plan.

As depicted in this image, the colored masses (yellow, orangeand blue) are used to demonstrate the crane’s swing radius andzone of influence. The yellow mass communicates the possible extentof the crane’s swinging boom at any moment during a particularday. Collision detections can be utilized to generate weeklyreports of any non-steel installation activities scheduled to takeplace within the crane’s planned swing radius, according to theplacement dictated by the overall project schedule. The resultingreport can be used during a segment of the project’s periodic safetymeetings to mitigate unplanned risks due to the crane’s interactionwith construction personnel. Alternately, 4D simulations canbe utilized for safely planning construction activities.

Figure 2. The crane work zone and steel truss placement in the crane management plan.

Fall protection plan

The fall protection plan for leading edges is prepared accordingto OSHA Subpart M: Fall protection standards. Two types offall protection railings are modeled: 2×4 wooden railings on thesecond level (concrete structure) that are bolted to the concreteslab and 3/8” steel aircraft cable railings on the third and higherlevels of the project (steel structure). Holes in the elevated slabsare covered by plywood coverings and roped in caution tape, asrequired by OSHA.

After modeling the fall protection railing components, the railingsare placed on the structural BIM model. While performingthis process, the researchers were able to identify multiple fallingrisks through the 3D view that were not easily found within the 2Dplan view. These conditions included stairwells and skylights thatwere not yet constructed, so fall protection railing was placed atthese locations. The modeled railings are then segregated by zonesandlevels and the resulting railing sections were exported to Synchro® for developing 4D simulations. The 4D simulation providescomplete details to the contractor as to the location and date thatthe railings are to be installed or removed. FIGURE 3 depicts atypical railing family and its placement in the BIM model.

Figure 3. A model of the railing system for fall protection.

Emergency response plan

The BIM-based emergency response plan consisted of fivesub-plans, namely construction crew entrance/exit; constructionequipment and deliveries route; temporary facilities and job trailerlocations; emergency vehicle(s) route; and severe weather precautionsto orient workers with the construction site. The 3D walkthroughanimations and renderings were generated from the BIMmodels to communicate emergency response plan to the workers.FIGURE 4 illustrates parts of the emergency response plan.

Figure 4. Screenshots of the emergency action plan. A) Traffic flowdirections. B) Ambulance arrival path


Both internal and external validations were planned and implementedto verify the usefulness of this study. The project teamrecently completed the first cycle of the validation process, duringwhich the BIM model with integrated safety elements and 4D simulationswere shown to a focus group of BIM professionals. Theconslted members described the three main perceived benefits:1) improved communication of the safety plan among the constructionpersonnel; 2) improved communication of the project’ssafety plan between OSHA and the owner; and 3) logistical detailsof construction safety tasks being fully addressed in the preconstructionphase.

In the following months, the project team will demonstratethe BIM models and simulations in regular safety meetings andwill thoroughly evaluate their effectiveness.

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