
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛

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Pre-announcement | International Competition on Urban Design of Longhua International Business District on Renmin Road
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
深圳龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛即将启动,现面向全球设计团队开放预报名及参赛意向登记。The International Competition on Urban Design of Longhua International Business District on Renmin Road in Longhua District of Shenzhen is to be launched soon. The project is now open to design teams from all over the world for an early sign-up and registration of intent.01. 项目概况One. Overview本次国际竞赛旨在通过国内外优秀规划设计机构集思广益,征集兼具未来性、创意性与实施性的城市设计方案。立足深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的使命,以粤港澳大湾区的视野,高起点规划建设国际消费中心城市,将龙华国际商圈建设成为融合商业服务、创新创意、科创服务、品质生活的多样化城市功能的“粤港澳湾区消费首选地”。The present international competition aims at drawing on collective wisdom and absorbing all useful ideas from both domestic and international excellent designing institutions for prospective, creative and operable urban designs. With Shenzhen’s mission of building a demonstrative pilot zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the foundation as well as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the vision, it is expected that the construction of an international city of consumption center should be planned from a high point, so that Longhua International Business District can be built to become “the first choice of consumers in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area” with diversified urban functions that are integrated with commercial services, innovative creation, scientific and technological services, and life of good quality.02. 项目区位Two. Location龙华国际商圈是龙华区六大重点片区之一,位于深圳市都市核心区、中部发展轴,横跨龙华、民治、大浪三个街道,南部紧邻深圳北站国际商务片区,东北部为龙华富士康和坂雪岗科技城,西部为阳台山森林公园。一小时抵达宝安国际机场,10分钟可达深圳北站,30分钟抵达福田中心区,对外对内交通便利。The Longhua International Business District is one of the six key- areas in Longhua District. It is located in the core part and central development axis of Shenzhen City, stretching itself into three subdistricts of Longhua, Minzhi and Dalang whilst being adjacent to the Shenzhen North Station International Business Zone in the south. Longhua Foxconn and Banxuegang Technology City are located in the northeastern direction and Yangtaishan Forest Park is located in the west. Bao’an International Airport is just one-hour drive away, and Shenzhen North Railway Station is within 10 minutes’ drive and Futian Central is just 30 minutes away. Therefore, the traffic both outbound and inbound is of great convenience.龙华国际商圈是提升中轴综合服务能力的核心节点,一方面,承担完善龙华自身功能体系,提升龙华生活品质的重要职能,另一方面,依托北站交通枢纽,拓展商业中心辐射范围,为其提供包容、便捷、生态、富有活力的复合商业空间。The Longhua International Business District is the core section to improve the comprehensive service capabilities of the central development axis. On one aspect, the District has the function of perfecting Longhua’s own implementing system whilst enhancing the quality of life there. On the other aspect, with the North Railway Station Hub as the base, the exposure range of the business is expanded in the District which provides Longhua with a space of commercial complex that is widely-open, handy, ecological, and vibrant.
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△城市中部发展轴示意图©蕾奥Sketch Map of the Central Development Axis of Shenzhen City
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△龙华区中央服务轴示意图©龙华区现代商贸城市更新片区空间规划研究Sketch Map of the Central Service Axis of Longhua District
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△项目区位示意图©蕾奥Sketch Map of the Project Location03. 本次竞赛工作内容Three. The Work Contents for the Present Competition本次国际竞赛范围共包含两个层次,即城市设计范围和概念建筑设计范围。城市设计范围约325公顷,具体范围为东环一路、龙华大道、工业路、龙胜路、公园路围合而成的区域(见下图白色范围线),其中包括三个重点项目的概念建筑设计:龙华商业中心、龙华第三工业区、核心区意向棚改项目。The present international competition consists of two levels, namely the scope of urban design and the scope of conceptual architecture design . The former covers an occupation of approximately 325 hectares, including the range of Donghuan First Road, Longhua Avenue, Industry Road, Longsheng Road and Park Road (refer to the white scope line on map below). Among those, there are three key projects for conceptual architecture designs, namely the project of Longhua Business Center, the project of Longhua Third Industrial Zone as well as the intended shanty-area renovation project of the Core Zone.本次国际竞赛在人民路商业中心城市设计整体框架下对于片区重大商办功能的标志性建筑群征集创意性方案。参赛单位应在对片区发展的综合性分析基础上,提出未来发展的产业和功能定位,提出城市设计理念,在功能布局、交通、公共空间、重点建筑形态等内容上开展设计。The present international competition aims at recruiting creative plans for sectional major landmark building complex with business and office functions under the general framework of the urban design of the Renmin Road Business Center. It is required that the participating entities should make a proposal of the orientation of the industries and functions for future development, based upon the comprehensive analyses of the sectional development whilst pushing forward the concept of urban design and performing the work of design in terms of functional layout, traffic, public space, key architecture formats etc.
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△ 场地范围示意图©蕾奥Sketch Map of the Site1. 城市设计阶段1. The Phase of Urban Design对接龙华国际商圈的结构框架,提出功能构成及面向未来的空间结构理念和措施,重点考虑“两横两纵”(龙华人民路、龙华和平路、工业路、景龙建设路)四条重要轴线两侧城市设计管控、地上地下空间塑造与交通组织,以及片区与观澜河等公共开放空间的关系,完成整体概念性城市设计。In accordance with the structural framework of Longhua International Business District, composition of functions as well as future-oriented spatial structure concepts and measures are required to be proposed. For the completion of the comprehensive conceptual urban design, focus shall be placed upon the design administration and control, the aboveground and underground space shaping and traffic organization of the four important axis lines of \”the two- horizontal and the two -longitudinal\” (namely Longhua Renmin Road, Longhua Heping Road, Industrial Road and Jinglong Construction Road), as well as the relationship between the District and different public open spaces, like the Guanlan River, etc.
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△ “两横两纵”©蕾奥The Two-horizontal and the Two-longitudinal2. 概念建筑设计阶段2. The Phase of Conceptual Architecture Design重点考虑项目落地性,结合主办方要求,充分考虑当地政策与规范、项目建设可行性与经济成本,龙华商业中心、龙华第三工业区、核心区意向棚改项目三个重点项目(用地面积约75公顷、总建筑面积约366万㎡)方案达到概念性建筑设计深度,要求方案具有可实施性。The project implementation shall be on key focus. With the requirements raised by the host combined, the local policies and standards as well as the operability and economic costs of the project construction shall be taken into sufficient consideration. In the meanwhile, the plans for the three key projects (with a site occupation of about 75 hectares and a total floorage of about 3.66 million m2), namely of the Longhua Business Center, Longhua Third Industrial Zone and the intended shanty-area renovation project of the Core Zone, are requested to reach the depth of conceptual architecture design, and be operable.
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△ 龙华商业中心范围示意©蕾奥Sketch Map of Scope of Longhua Business Center
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△ 龙华第三工业区范围示意©蕾奥Sketch Map of Scope of Longhua Third Industrial Zone
BIM建筑|预公告 | 深圳市龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛
△ 核心区意向棚改项目范围示意©蕾奥Sketch Map of the Scope of intended shanty-area renovation project of the Core Zone04. 竞赛方式Four. Competition Modes本次国际竞赛采用“公开征集+邀请参与”的方式,分为资格预审阶段,城市设计及概念性建筑方案设计阶段、成果整合深化阶段。The mode of \”open entry submission + invitation\” is adopted for the present international competition, which consists of three phases, namely the pre-qualification , the urban design and conceptual architecture design, as well as the integration and further development of the accomplishments.资格预审阶段:主办方向受邀单位发出邀请,并从中选出3家入围单位;另外3家入围单位将在公开报名的设计单位(或联合体)中择优选取,同时,评选出2个备选参赛团队(须排序)。The Phase of Pre-qualification: The host shall send out letters of invitation to the invited entities and select three shortlisted teams. The other three shortlisted teams shall be well selected from the design entities (or consortium) registered through public entries. In the meanwhile, there shall be two alternative teams based on the order.城市设计及概念性建筑方案设计阶段:6家设计机构(联合体)在提交有效的成果文件后,主办方依法组建评审委员会,对参赛方案进行评审。The Phase of Urban Design and Conceptual Architecture Design: After six design institutions (or consortium) submit valid documents of accomplishments, the host shall establish a judge panel in accordance with laws and conduct the evaluation of participating plans..成果整合深化阶段:第一名的设计机构(联合体)进行城市设计方案整合、重点建筑设计深化工作,其方案将作为本项目实施方案。原则上由第一名获胜参赛团队完成竞赛方案深化工作。如第一名团队放弃成果整合工作,则主办方将另行委托其他设计单位负责后续工作。第一名团队仍需在整合深化阶段协助其他设计单位进行整合深化,并为主办方提供技术支持服务。The Phase of Integration and Further Development of the Accomplishments: The winning designing institution (or consortium) of the first prize shall be allowed to carry out the integration of the urban design plans and the deepening of architecture design, and their plan shall be put into implementation for the present project. Normally, the winner(s) shall be able to complete the further development work of the prized plan. In case the winning team gives up the integration work, the host shall have the right to entrust other design teams to take over the subsequent work. The winning team shall take the responsibility of assisting the other designing entities with the integration and further development in this phase whilst providing technological support services for the host.05. 报名条件Five. Eligibility Requirements1. 申请人须是国内外注册的独立法人企业或机构,如为境外单位,必须与国内注册的独立法人企业联合报名。本次竞赛不设资质要求。The applicants shall be either enterprises with an independent legal person or institutions registered either in China or abroad. Foreign companies shall submit entries jointly with domestic enterprises with an independent legal person. No qualifications are required for the present competition.2. 接受联合体参赛,联合体成员数量不限。联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他设计单位组成其他联合体参与报名,联合体合作方需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位、各方工作分工等。Consortium shall be accepted for the participation with no limitation in member numbers. No consortium members shall have the right to participate in the competition again alone or with another consortium by another name. The consortium members shall be requested to sign a Consortium Agreement with force of law whilst specifying the leading entity and individual labor division.3. 不接受个人或个人组合的报名。No individual participant or individually-combined group will be accepted for the sign-up.4. 鼓励设计团队由城市规划与设计、建筑及景观设计、交通咨询、产业策划等多专业人员组成。It is encouraged that the design team shall consist of professionals from multiple fields, including urban planning and design, architecture and landscape design, transportation consultation and industrial planning etc.5. 参与本次国际竞赛的规划设计人员应为该设计机构的在册人员,主创设计师须由主持过多个同类型项目的人员担任,需有5年以上相关工作经验,必须直接参与咨询设计全过程,且现场踏勘、评审答疑、成果汇报均需参加并汇报。为了保证项目规划设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目规划设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。The participating designers for the present international competition shall be the registered personnel of the participating institution. The designer-in-chief shall have the skill of presiding over several projects of the same category as well as past relevant experience for at least 5 years. In addition, the designer-in-chief shall be directly involved with the whole designing process, including the site survey, reviewing and Q&A as well as the final presentation. It is required that at least one of the participating designers shall have the knowledge of the Chinese language, so the designers shall be ensured to have an accurate understanding of the regional background of China and relevant requirements.6. 具有以下项目经验的设计机构(联合体)将被优先考虑:具有国内外重点地区城市设计实践及成功案例,具有商业中心规划和建筑设计经验,具有丰富的综合交通枢纽片区城市设计经验。Design institutions (or consortium) with following project experience shall be given the prioritized consideration for further qualification : Practical and successful experience of key projects of urban design domestically or internationally.; Experience of business center planning and architecture design. Rich experience in urban design of comprehensive transportation hub areas.06. 竞赛奖金Six. Competition Bonus本次国际竞赛奖金总额为1477万元,具体设置以正式公告发布为准。The total amount of bonus for the present international competition is 14.77 million CNY. The specific arrangement shall be subject to the officially released announcement.07. 预报名登记Seven. Pre-sign-up Registration本次国际竞赛正式公告将于近期发布,欢迎国内外设计团队进行预报名登记。有意参与竞赛的单位,下载附件1《预报名信息表—龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛》,填写并发送至预报名邮箱。The official announcement of the present competition shall be released soon. Designing teams home and abroad are welcomed to pre-register for the competition. Interested entities shall download the attachment 1 Pre-registration sign-up form – The International Competition On Urban Design of Longhua International Business District on Renmin Road, fill the blanks and send it to the e-mail address: 08. 特别提醒Eight. Special Notes预报名表不作为竞赛正式报名依据。本次预公告所涉及的全部内容,最终以正式公告为准。Pre sign-up forms shall NOT be used as the official entry application. All information involved with the present pre-announcement shall be subject to the official announcement that is to be released later.正式公告发布平台为:The official announcement shall be released on:① 龙华区政府官方网站: Website of Longhua District Government② 深圳市城市设计促进中心:www.szdesigncenter.orgShenzhen Design Center③ ABBS建筑论坛 ABBS④ Archrace:www.archrace.com09 组织机构Nine. Organizing Institutions主办方 Host深圳市龙华区城市更新和土地整备局Longhua District City Renewal and Land Renovation Bureau, Shenzhen承办方 Organizer技术支持:深圳市蕾奥规划设计咨询股份有限公司Technology Support:LAY-OUT Planning Consultants Ltd会议组织策划:深圳市特维森信息咨询有限公司Meeting organized and planned by: Shenzhen Twisen Information Consulting Co., Ltd咨询邮箱 Enquiry Emailu_designintl@163.com附件1: 《预报名信息表—龙华人民路国际商业街区城市设计国际竞赛》Attachment 1: Pre- sign-up form – International Competition on Urban Design of Longhua International Business District on Renmin Road
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