Announcement丨 Shenzhen Meilinguan Area Urban Design International Consultation 汇聚全球智慧与先进理念,推进深圳梅林关枢纽地区的迭代发展,《深圳市梅林关片区城市设计国际咨询》正式启动,现面向国内外优秀的设计机构开放报名登记。In order to promote the iterative development of Shenzhen Meilinguan pivot area, Shenzhen Meilinguan Area Urban Design International Consultation is officially launched to collect global intelligence and advanced ideas. Registration is now open to outstanding design institutions all over the world.组织机构主办方:深圳市规划和自然资源局、深圳市龙华区人民政府承办方:深圳市规划和自然资源局龙华管理局ORGANIZATIONSponsor: Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources, People’s Government of Longhua District, Shenzhen Organizer: Longhua Administration of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources01 项目概况 Project Overview本次国际咨询旨在汇聚全球智慧、汲取世界先进发展经验,以建设大湾区数字经济核心引领区、数字科创先锋示范区为目标,立足国际视野、践行前瞻理念、运用创新技术,集聚数字经济、数字科创的高端人才和企业,打造一座示范先进营城理念、独具活力的产业综合城区,引领片区高质量发展和高品质建设。The international consultation aims to gather global intelligence and draw the world’s advanced development experience. With the goal of building a core leading area of digital economy and a pioneer demonstration area of digital science and technology innovation in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area(GBA), it is advocated that an international perspective be relied on, forward-looking concepts be practiced, and innovative technologies be used to gather high-end talents and enterprises in digital economy and digital science and technology innovation. The ultimate objective is to create an integrated urban area demonstrating advanced city-managing concepts and unique vitality and lead the high-quality development and construction of the Area.1.1 区位概况 Location梅林关片区位于深港科技创新中轴中部,是深圳市打造“全球数字先锋城市”的核心引领区。片区作为深圳市龙华区的“南大门”,山水资源条件优越,多条轨道汇集(轨道4、6、22号线及广深中轴城际线),可建设空间范围约1平方公里。Located in the middle of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Central Axis, Meilinguan Area is the core leading area for building Shenzhen into a “global digital pioneer city”. As the “south gate” of Longhua District, the Area enjoys advantageous natural resources and an influx of multiple rail transits (Metro Lines 4, 6, 22 and the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Central Axis Intercity Line). There remains a buildable area of about 1 k㎡.
梅林关战略区位示意图Strategic location map of Meilinguan Area1.2 设计范围 Design scopes国际咨询范围共包含三个层次,即规划研究范围、城市设计范围和枢纽核心区建筑概念设计范围。The international consultation includes three scopes: the scope of planning research, the scope of urban design, and the scope of conceptual architecture design in the pivot core area.规划研究范围:东至银湖山,西至玉龙路,南至梅林山、银湖山,北至民乐路,总面积为3.78平方公里,并考虑与深圳北站、华南国际物流中心、民乐村、梅林山、银湖山、民治水库等周边片区的统筹协调关系。Scope of planning research: Yinhu Mountain to the east, Yulong Road to the west, Meilin Mountain and Yinhu Mountain to the south, and Minle Road to the north, covering a total area of 3.78 k㎡. Coordination shall also be considered with the surrounding areas such as Shenzhen North Railway Station, South China International Logistics Center, Minle Village, Meilin Mountain, Yinhu Mountain and Minzhi Reservoir.城市设计范围:东至星河丹堤和丰泽湖山庄边界,西至牛咀水库,南至南坪快速,北至龙华大道、新区大道、金龙路,面积为1.10平方公里。Scope of urban design: The boundary of Xinghe Dandi and Fengze Lake Villa to the east, Niuzui Reservoir to the west, Nanping Expressway to the south, Longhua Avenue, Xinqu Avenue and Jinlong Road to the north, covering a total area of 1.10 k㎡.枢纽核心区建筑概念设计范围:由参赛机构根据城市设计方案划定,要求包含4条轨道线换乘站点且范围不小于20公顷。Scope of conceptual architecture design in the pivot core area: Demarcated by participating institutions according to their urban design schemes. It is required that the interchange stations of four metro lines be included and that the coverage be no less than 20 hectares.
梅林关片区城市设计国际咨询范围Scopes of Meilinguan Area Urban Design International Consultation02 项目背景 Project Background在粤港澳大湾区发展战略和深港创新合作背景下,梅林关片区的战略价值逐步显现,发展目标持续升级。In the context of the development strategy of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau GBA and Shenzhen-Hong Kong innovation cooperation, the strategic value of Meilinguan Area becomes increasingly highlighted with upgrading development goals.2022年6月,深圳市政府肯定龙华区的数字经济发展,提出扩大范围打造连片集聚的数字经济核心区。In June 2022, Shenzhen People’s Government affirmed the digital economic development of Longhua District and proposed expanding the scope to build a contiguous Digital Economy Core Zone.2022年8月,深圳市工业和信息化局与深圳市龙华区人民政府就共同推进深圳市数字经济核心区建设签订战略合作协议,划定了包括梅林关片区在内的深圳市数字经济核心区范围。In August 2022, Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and People’s Government of Longhua District, Shenzhen signed a strategic cooperation agreement on jointly promoting the construction of Shenzhen Digital Economy Core Zones, defining the scope of Shenzhen Digital Economy Core Zones including Meilinguan Area.2023年2月召开的梅林关片区发展工作会议上,深圳市政府明确提出将梅林关片区打造成“世界级数字经济核心区”的发展目标。In February 2023, on the Meilinguan Area Development Conference, Shenzhen People’s Government clearly put forward the development goal of building Meilinguan Area into a “world-class Digital Economy Core Zone”.03 咨询内容 Work Description3.1 规划研究部分 Planning Research1) 片区功能策划Regional function planning2) 片区公共空间及慢行体系研究Study on regional public space and slow traffic system3.2 城市设计部分 Urban Design1) 总体设计理念Overall design concept2) 三维功能布局3D functional layout3) 立体公共空间设计3D public space design4) 空间形态与风貌设计Spatial form and landscape design5) 综合交通设计Comprehensive traffic design6) 分期实施策略Staged implementation strategy3.3 枢纽核心区建筑概念设计部分 Conceptual Architecture Design in the Pivot Core Area1) 建筑设计理念Architectural design concept2) 建筑功能业态策划Architectural function and commercial planning3) 枢纽换乘流线设计Streamline design of pivot interchange4) 立体公共空间设计3D public space design5) 建筑形象设计Architectural image design6) 可实施的结构设计Implementable structure design04 报名要求 Registration Requirements4.1 本次国际咨询采用全球公开报名的方式,不设资质要求。参赛单位须是国内外注册的独立法人或合伙制企业或其他组织。相互间有直接控股关系、管理关系或法定代表人为同一人的不同法人,不得同时报名参赛。母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时报名参赛。4.1 The registration is open to worldwide candidates with no requirements on qualification. Interested participants must be independent legal entities or partnerships or other organizations registered in or outside China. Different legal persons that have direct controlling relationship or administrative relationship or whose legal representatives are identical shall not register for the competition at the same time. Parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies shall not register for the competition at the same time.4.2 允许参赛单位以联合体形式报名参赛,联合体成员不超过三家。以联合体参赛的,联合体各成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他参赛单位组成联合体参与报名,联合体各成员需签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议书》,并明确牵头单位、各方工作分工等。4.2 Registration by a consortium comprising no more than three members is allowed. In that case, no member of a consortium shall be allowed to sign up twice either independently or by joining another consortium. All members of the consortium shall sign a legally-binding Consortium Agreement, and the leading member and work division among parties shall be specified.4.3 不接受个人或个人组合的报名。4.3 No registration shall be accepted in individual or in combination of individuals.4.4 中国境内参赛单位必须具有合法注册并在有效期内的营业执照,且需具有独立法人资格。4.4 Participants within the Chinese territory must hold a legally registered business license within its validity and be qualified as an independent legal entity.4.5 境外(含港澳台地区)参赛单位需提供以下有效证明材料:1) 所在国(地区)政府主管部门核发的机构注册登记证明(至少注册成立一年,且有固定办公地点);2) 所在国(地区)政府主管部门或者有关行业组织核发的设计许可证明(如有)。4.5 Participants beyond the Chinese border (incl. those based in Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan region) need to provide the following effective documents: 1. the business registration certificate issued by the competent authority of the corresponding country (region) (at least one year prior to the time of registration for this International Consultation and with a permanent office place); 2. the design license (if any) issued by the competent authority or relevant industrial organization of the corresponding country (region).4.6 熟悉中国国情并具有类似经验的团队将优先考虑:1) 具有丰富的城市大型枢纽地区的城市与建筑设计项目经验;2)具有复杂的城市交通问题的研究能力与经验;3) 具有环境营造及公共空间设计经验。4.6 Priority shall be given to teams familiar with China’s national condition and with the following similar experience: 1) rich experience in urban and architectural design projects in large urban pivot areas; 2) ability and experience in researching complex urban traffic problems; 3) experience in environmental creation and public space design.4.7 参与本次国际咨询的人员须为其所属单位的在册人员,项目负责人和主创(可为同一人)须由主持过同类型项目的人员担任。为了保证团队人员对中国地区背景和相关要求理解准确,团队中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。4.7 Persons participating in this international consultation must be the ones enrolled in their organizations. The project leader and the chief (possibly identical) must be assumed by the person(s) who has/have presided over the same type of project.In order to ensure that the team members have an accurate understanding of the Chinese regional background and relevant requirements, there should be at least one person in the team who is proficient in Chinese.05 咨询程序 Consulting Rules本次国际咨询分为“报名及资格预审”、“方案设计”和“成果评审”三个工作阶段。The international consultation is divided into three working stages: “registration and pre-qualification”, “scheme design” and “outcome review”.报名及资格预审阶段:由主、承办方组建资格预审委员会,综合考虑公司资信、公司相关业绩、团队实力等,评选出8家资格预审阶段入围单位(无排序),及3家备选单位(有排序)进入方案设计阶段。Registration and pre-qualification stage: A Pre-qualification Review Jury shall be established out of the sponsor and the organizer to comprehensively consider the corporate creditability, corporate performance, and team competence, and select 8 shortlisted teams through the pre-qualification stage (without ranking) and 3 alternative teams (with ranking) to enter the scheme design stage.方案设计阶段:入围的8家机构按照国际咨询任务书要求完成方案设计,并将完整成果提交给主、承办方。Scheme design stage: The 8 shortlisted teams complete the scheme design as per the requirements of the International Consultation Design Brief and submit the complete achievements to the sponsor and the organizer.成果评审阶段:组建成果评审委员会,在入围的8家参赛单位中选出前三家单位推荐给主、承办方。主、承办方在充分尊重专家评审意见的基础上,研究确定前三家优胜单位的排名,分别授予相应额度奖金。Outcome review stage: An Outcome Review Jury shall be established to select the top 3 of the 8 shortlisted teams and recommend them to the sponsor and the organizer. On the basis of fully respecting the expert review opinions, the Jury shall determine the ranking of the top 3 winners, and grant awards of corresponding amounts to each.06 日程安排 Agenda
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